Caries Prevention and Fluoride Toothpastes in International Guidelines

IAPD Bangkok Statement
International Association of Paediatric Dentistry (International Paediatric Dentistry Association), WHO, FDI and a Caries-Free Future Alliance for a Cavity Free Future (ACFF) stakeholders and representatives of 72 countries, including Turkey "On Early Childhood Caries (ECCD) World Summit1
- Raising awareness of ECCD among parents/caregivers, dentists, doctors, nurses, health professionals and other stakeholders should be increased.1
- It is important to limit sugar intake in food and drinks and to avoid sugar consumption in children under 2 years of age.1
- In all children, fluoride toothpaste (at least 1000 ppm), using an age-appropriate amount of paste, twice a day brushing is important.1
- Preventive counselling by a health professional in the first year of life, ideally for comprehensive continuing care a referral to a dentist is recommended.1
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